Aboobaker Siddiq Titled India Book Records as Web Developer


Aboobaker Siddiq Titled India Book Records as Web Developer

Kasargod, Kerala - Aboobaker Siddiq, a 21-year-old student from India, has been making headlines in the tech world with his impressive achievements in web development. Despite facing various challenges, he has achieved what many consider unimaginable for someone his age. Siddiq's inspiring journey be

gan in 2018 when he enrolled in a Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) degree at his local college.

Through his sheer dedication and hard work, Siddiq quickly gained an in-depth knowledge of coding and web development. In just two years, he developed several websites and applications, including an e-commerce platform, a real-time chat application, and a mobile game. His exceptional work has been widely praised, and he achieved certification from IBM under the leadership of Mr Ashwin, a Cyber Security, Forensic, and Counter Terrorism expert at EyeQDotNet.

Siddiq's success story is a testament to the power of hard work and determination. Despite facing challenges and obstacles along the way, he has excelled in his field and made a name for himself. He is currently the Chief Web Developer at Zephyr Technology Pvt—Ltd, where he has become one of the best trainers in web development. In December 2022, he achieved a spot in the Indian Book of Records, which adds to his long list of accomplishments.

"I never thought I would be where I am today. It took a lot of hard work, dedication, and commitment to get to where I am today. I hope my story inspires others to pursue their dreams and never give up," Siddiq said.

Siddiq's journey exemplifies what can be achieved when one sets their mind to something and works hard towards their goals. He inspires many young people worldwide, and his story is one of hope and resilience. Siddiq's journey is far from over; we cannot wait to see what he will achieve.

Conclusion: Aboobaker Siddiq's achievement in web development is impressive and clearly indicates his talent and hard work in the field. His success at such a young age is a testament to his passion and dedication to web development. Siddiq is undoubtedly a rising star in the area, and we can expect to see great things from him in the future.

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